Oral Thrush Infection And The Solution

You should know that the thrust is a superficial fungal infection that can damage the health of your mouth. This fungus usually attacks the inside the mouth, as the tongue, inner cheeks, and even gum.  This fungal infection can affect anyone, whether it is adults and even children. However attacks on humans by a certain age will be a media identification indicating the emergence of a disease, such as diabetes. This fungus is accumulating in your mouth that often causes little white colored lesions. The thrush that attack lies in your mouth would be possible rubbed fungus infected part with a toothbrush or others. If this happens, it usually bleeds. That's why the fungus attacks the mouth known as oral thrush cannot be underestimated.

This thrush is very disturbing oral health.  Even oral thrush will be more prone to attack the baby. This should be more aware of the mothers that have a baby right now. Although thrush can strike anyone, the baby will be more susceptible with the attack of the infection. Besides, for those of you who use denture should also be more aware of the attacks of this infection.  Immune system will greatly affect this thrush attacks. The better your immune system, the potential thrush infection will also be smaller.

Some causes of oral thrush

Candida infections and oral thrush may occur due to disruption of the system of immune. You should know that the system of immune is beneficial to ward off invading organisms that could endanger the health of the body, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The system of immune that fails to protect the body will cause an infection in your mouth continues to occur.

yeast infection, candida albicans, treatment, how to prevent,

Some kinds of disease are also believed to be a trigger for oral thrush, including;


HIV or AIDS destroys the system of immune.  The case causes AIDS patients are more susceptible to this attack. In opposite, if you get thrush more often, it can be identified as signs of AIDS or HIV.

2. Cancer

Cancer patients will also experience a weakened immune system. Various media used healing such as radiation and chemotherapy can [link:16]cause Candida infection[/link] that attacks the mouth.

3. Diabetes mellitus

Patients with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus will produce saliva, which contains a lot of sugar that can trigger the growth of fungus

4. vaginal yeast infection

There are similarities between the fungi that attack the vagina and mouth. Though the infection of the fungus is not too dangerous, but for those of you who are pregnant, the infection can be transmitted to the fetus.

As the disease is quite disturbing, this is the emergence of invasive infections must be aware from the outset. This disease usually does not directly recognized by the patient. Some symptoms can come suddenly and may last for very long time. Some symptoms that often arise include; appears pain, white lesions that occur on the tongue, may bleed when exposed to friction, no appetite, and chapped lips. Though it is not dangerous, but the emergence of invasive infections that can continuously be a sign of a more serious disease.

How to prevent oral thrush?

Preventing of oral thrush should indeed be done properly and right. The purpose of prevention itself is to prevent attacks of thrush that would be very disturbing you. Especially oral thrush you will also attack anyone including children, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers. This is the reason that prevention and treatment should really be done properly.

Oral thrush infection is an overgrowth of Candida albicans, which are found in the oral cavity. However, to the best prevention should be adapted to the age of patients undergoing these invasive infections. For nursing mothers and babies should really use clean equipment. Especially if the equipment is related to the baby's mouth. One way is that you have to wash the equipment with water and vinegar.  Besides that, it also can use hot water to kill germs and prevent mold growth.  Whereas for adults and children can be done by consuming plenty of unsweetened yogurt, and other healthy foods. This step is very useful to keep your immune system so the body will not be easily attacked by fungi. The better your immune system, the absolute oral thrush will not attack your mouth.