Natural Remedies For Thrush - Treatment Your Thrush With Natural Way

Do you have the feeling of pain and heat on your vagina? Does your vagina release a dense and unnatural fluid with the color of yellow and greenish? Do you also have the feeling of itching in your vagina? If your answer for all of the questions is yes, then you should be worry because it could be signs of vaginal thrush or usually we just call it thrush.

What is this vaginal thrush about? Vaginal thrush is one of the diseases caused by an unusual and
uncontrollable growth of yeast in the body. In this case, the yeast that cause of thrush is yeast from 'Candida' families called Candida albicans.

This vaginal thrush disease, of course, is not an easy disease to heal. It also becomes terrifying because it attacks very important organs, maybe the most important organs, for woman. It attacks vagina which becomes the sexual organs for woman. Without this organ all of the sexual activities become impossible so the reproduction and the will of having a child is also impossible.

Since this thrush disease is terrifying so for they who have suffered from this disease, they have to fight back the disease and do the healing program to come back to normal condition. To become healthier and heal from this thrush disease, you can take medications but you can also take some natural remedies of thrush that can heal this disease. Since natural remedies of thrush is not too difficult to do and it is also cheaper than if you take a medication. Medication also can bring you other problems because it has side effects while the natural remedies of thrush are not. Natural remedies for thrush is easier, cheaper, and also without side effects. So, you may be curious about what are the natural remedies of thrush. This article will show you some natural remedies for thrush that may become useful for you.

Natural Remedies of Thrush #1: Keep dry and loose

natural remedies for thrush, tips, yeast infection, thrush treatment, keep clean,
Yeast organisms love a warm, moist, with a little oxygen to grow. So one of natural treatment for thrush is by keep the area around your vagina is always dry and clean. Dry the vaginal area immediately after doing activities that makes it wet like bathing, swimming or exercising.

Also avoid to linger with tight clothing like bathing suits and wet. get dressed immediately after you are finished swimming activities and dont forget to immediately clean up and dry your vaginal area. Choose loose-fitting underwear and made from cotton so there is ventilated to keep your vagina do not moist.

Natural Remedies of Thrush #2: Be Careful on Your Sexual Activities

Candida albicans yeast that causes sores in the genital organs is mainly transmitted through sexual contact. That is why, to avoid contracting the thrush disease, those who have been sexually active need to fortify themselves by improving lifestyle. Not promiscuous sexual relations, especially since the use of condoms does not protect 100% and is not effective in avoiding transfer of the yeast. Partners who look healthy, does not mean that he or she is free from Candida albicans yeast. And since the yeast has an unique characteristics which only attacked the body when the stamina of the body is going down although the yeast itself has been settled in the body for a long time. You may think that you and your partner are free from the Candida albicans yeast, but you do not know actually that you have high risk of thrush disease since the yeast is waiting to attacks in you or your partner bodies. So, the first natural remedies for thrush is to be careful in every of your sexual activities.

Natural Remedies of Thrush #3: Stop Smoking

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The next natural remedies for thrush are to stop your smoking activities immediately. Why stopping the smoking activities is one of the natural remedies of thrush? The studies at Karolinska Institute, Sweden, which is being published in the British Journal of Cancer at 2001, said that nicotine and other cigarette toxins into the blood have ability to increase the risk of growth of abnormal bacteria in the cervix. These abnormal bacteria, of course, include of the Candida albicans yeast which is the cause of thrush. So, only with stopping your smoking activities, you can reduce the risk of Candida albicans overgrowth and it becomes the natural remedies for thrush.

Natural Remedies of Thrush #4: Consuming Vitamin C

natural remedies for thrush, tips, yeast infection, thrush treatment, keep clean,
The other natural remedies for thrush are by consuming vitamin C. Why it can be one of natural remedies of thrush? It is because vitamin C increases resistance or mucosal epithelial cells of the cervix. The mechanism is in the same principle as to prevent oral thrush. So, consuming vitamin C is one of the natural remedies of thrush which may be the easiest and the cheapest way.

Natural Remedies of Thrush #5: Using Yoghurt

Yoghurt is one of natural remedies for thrush caused by Candida. How to apply these natural remedies of thrush by using yoghurt? You only need to directly apply the yoghurt to the area around the vulva or parts of the female genital that being infected. It can be used as a suppository with a special cloth dipped in yoghurt and stick it in the vagina.