Getting to Know the Cause of Thrush

Thrush or ‘Vaginal Candidiasis’ is one kind of skin disease. What is the symptom of thrush? And what is the cause of thrush? This is very inportant because you must to know what the couse of thrush before you treat your thrush. The symptoms of this disease start with the feeling of pain and heat in the vagina accompanied by a dense and unusual fluid. But do not be hasty to diagnose any unusual fluid as vaginal thrush because some others vaginal infections also have the same sign. If the unusual liquid comes from your vagina is yellow and greenish with the feeling of itching, then it could be an infection from an object left in the vagina. It could be a tampon or contraceptive diaphragms that left on the vagina. And you have to be more careful if the unusual fluid that comes out of from your vagina is accompanied by the feeling of pain in the lower abdomen or back. Because it could be that you have an infection in the gastrointestinal falopi or in the cervix and the tissues surround it. This infection is commonly known as salpingitis. But, if you find a vaginal irritation, redness and inflammation around the vagina, the feeling of itching, excessive white discharge, pain during urination and also vaginal odor, then you may be cautious that it will be thrush.

Since this thrush disease may be awful, so you have to know all of the symptoms and the causes of thrush disease. When you already know what is the symptom and what is the cause of thrush, so it will be easier for you to choose the next step, especially in your medication and healing program.

Yeast Infection, the Main Cause of Thrush

cause of trush, yeast infection, treatment, natural remedies
Cause of thrush is a species of yeast called Candida albicans. Actually, the presence of this Candida albicans yeast in human beings is natural. This yeast is always present in humans as in the mouth, throat, vagina, and other digestive system especially in the mucous membrane. Under normal conditions, the presence of this Candida albicans yeast is not harmful. But the excessive and uncontrolled growth of the yeast can cause infections and becomes the cause of thrush.

Another Cause of Thrush

From above, we know that the cause of thrush is an infection caused by yeast. So how this yeast becomes the cause of thrush, since the presence of Candida albicans is usual in human’s skin? The cause of thrush is not only by the excessive existence of the Candida albicans, it either because the humidity is not maintained or also as a result of the use of antibiotics in pregnancy or due to the use of birth control pills. This thrush disease is very vulnerable to people who have weak immune systems, including AIDS patients. How can this happen? How can the weak immune system becomes the cause of thrush? It is because people with weak immune system are not strong enough to prevent the excessive and uncontrollable growth of Candida albicans.

Diabetes patients also have a high chance of getting infected by Candida albicans. The cause of thrush in diabetes patient is the high sugar levels in blood that the diabetes patients have. The high sugar level in blood can help the overgrowth of Candida albicans.

cause of trush, yeast infection, treatment, natural remedies

Pregnancy also may be one of the cause of thrush. Why this thing happens? It is because the pregnancy can increase the risk of this disease. Since your hormones change during the pregnancy period, this change can lead into the change of the bacteria’s balance in your body. When there is a change in the balance, it will become really possible for Candida albicans to grow uncontrollably. So that is the reason why pregnancy becomes cause of thrush.

The cause of thrush is not only for they which is in their pregnancy period, diabetes patients, or they who have weak immune system. People who have taken the medication also have the chance to suffer this disease. By consuming certain drugs in the long term also become the cause of thrush because it can accelerate the growth of this Candida albicans yeast. Some certain drugs, such as antibiotic, can broke the balance of the bacteria in your body since the drugs itself contains of bacteria. When the balance of bacteria in your body is broken, so it will lead to an overgrowth of some kind yeast. One of yeast that possibly grow uncontrollably is Candida albicans yeast which is the main cause of thrush.

People with excessive steroid and hormonal contraceptives also have a high risk to suffer thrush. Cancer patient, the people in depression, older people and people with chronic medical conditions are most at risk to become the sufferer of this disease. The cause of thrush disease is, again and again, the overgrowth of Candida albicans yeast that comes from the conditions that make the sum of bacteria in the body unbalanced.